Police Defensive Tactics Training
Our Police Defensive Tactics Program (DT) has evolved over quite a few years as the demands of the jobs in law enforcement have changed. Having a strong martial arts background can certainly bring a lot of ingredients to a DT program however, it also requires a realistic understanding as to which techniques are suitable for the job. We understand that officers are to use the amount of force reasonably necessary to protect life and enforce the law under guidelines established by the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of New York, established state and federal law, and as articulated in department policy and procedures.
Customized to meet the individual needs of the department, carefully chosen techniques are presented in a comprehensive manner and taught in a highly interactive setting.
We include the emphasis of proper posture, verbal skills and de-escalation techniques.
All situations call for a proper use of force. If situations escalate, we want the officer to have skills that allow close quarter supremacy thru pain compliance in order to inflict little or no damage. We also include defense against high levels of aggression including punch and kick defense, ground defense, knife attack, bludgeon weapon attacks, weapon retention, weapon take aways and more!
We know that the techniques we focus on work based on the positive feedback we have received over many years. One of many examples, Port Jervis PD has been working with us for 10 years now and their feedback is nothing but positive. Another example is that as more in the community became aware of the effectiveness of our DT Program, we were brought in for “Train the Trainer” sessions at the Police Chief’s Association - Orange County Police Academy.
We continue to train entire departments, or accommodate “Train the Trainer” sessions. Plus, we offer DT within the Self Defense Program instructed on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7pm to 8:30pm. Members of law enforcement can join us for any of these classes for a $20 walk on fee. Or, consider joining the program where you can then train all of these classes, plus some of the MMA striking and/or
boxing classes!